It is believed that most men like the weak, defenseless women who you can nurse and take care of like a child or pet. Recently, I suddenly realized that my type is an impossible jade. And signs of "jadeness" I can find in absolutely all girls ever engaged me in life. The jade usually lies much, and throughout, even in details, but in the early moments of familiarity for some reason I have no desire to catch her at it, and afterwards the same do not have it but because of fear of losing her.
Time, place and length of communicating with you again, are strictly limited by her. It remains the phone, but during a conversation with you, she may carelessly fling out sort of: «someone came down to me, I am busy now, I will give you a call later», and then hang up without waiting for a farewell reply. And what she is currently busy with and who came to her, you can not even try to find out, and if she suddenly will say something like the truth, it still raises the unpleasant feeling that you are deceived. At three PM, realizing finally that having to wait is useless «Your line was busy», even if you had stared at the phone all the time, you can go to bed with a firm idea that tomorrow you will have enough force to break definitively with her.
Normally, such a relationship, I can not withstand more than a month, then it has a place of serious conversation with the subject of my misery, after which she does not give me calls «to welcome» any longer, and I blur out her number from memory on the phone. And I will say honestly - I'm not a masochist and to the assertion that when a person is crying - any harmful acids are removed from his body and some useful compounds are formed, I treat with a high degree of doubt. So what remains for me? Life to be sad with lots of useful compounds in the body, or two packings of sleeping-pills and a bath of warm water?
Not long ago I found a way out of the impasse - you can be friends with the jade! And this friendship will be no more than there is in the word «friendship». The most important thing is to convey to her that she is «the best event in your life», then you can start to walk all over her, not forgetting at the same time to prove your love and attachment to her. And if life attitudes or moral principles are strong for you, which deterrent solid material attachments, you can do it with words, by the same phone in the end.
Create the non-existent violent life around you, with many urgent cases, meetings and problems that you as a strong personality, will surely solve yourself, not devoting to them your girlfriend. It is enough to convince her in existence of this very virtual life, not going into details. If you already have the same life, then you are unlikely to read down to this place - just have no time.
Persuade her that you clearly know when and what do you want from the life, for example, you just need to swim kilometer before sleep, to have a cup of green tea or read a few pages of the book, the author of which no one understands. And the first thing you have to do in the morning is to roll about green grass, absorbing a positive bioenergy. Make more obscure utterances with hidden meaning, that simply is not possible to understand clearly. Frequently change the topic of conversation, especially when your girlfriend is discussing something important to her, and you are wanted to give your opinion on the matter. At the end, make an appointment at which simply do not come, after disabling the phone «battery is flat». The next day, call her and mention as if in passing apologize for yesterday, and the more unlikely to be the cause, the better. Appoint a new meeting on which will belate - let her be nervous a bit.
Someone will think why so a strain because of a jade, but what a deep sense of satisfaction you can experience pressing the end of the conversation on the phone when on the other end of line you are wished pleasant dreams, well being and success in tomorrow's affairs, etc. After such a radical turning off the connection, she may even has a little crying: «I do love him, but he appreciates me not», notice that previously the word «love» has not been associated with you. And you can be sure - tomorrow she will call the first and struggle to demonstrate her affection and every interest to you.
You can relax - YOU WON!
My current girlfriend is the most impossible of all jades I ever met, still remains to be it (just not with me). We are very tied to each other, I may even love her, I still like to look at her when she sleeps, in this moment she is like an angel. Although sometimes, feeling a slight sense of nostalgia, I slightly (on the old habit) walk all over her, in retort for the past.
And finally I would say - I am not a sadist, I just like the jades like Anfisa Chekhova, because only a very beautiful girl can afford to be her.
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