Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Russian Press Tells Russian Women On The Foreign Men.

If you really intend to find a Russian wife, you certainly come to the issue seriously. You will not be uninterested what prejudices against international marriage are gradually instilled to women by the Russian press. Why? First of all, that would inhibit the growth of the number of girls who want to leave their unkindly motherland. And this number in spite of everything has been growing steadily. Women are just tired of the unending struggle for survival against the background of success reports of official media that the life of ordinary people becoming better. Those who are accustomed to believe their eyes, of course do not rely on creepy stories about foreign suitors, but nevertheless, such creepy stories take place to be and you should take into account this fact. To build confidential contact with your girl of choice it is not bad to learn her internal beliefs and the information field in which she can be. Do not take this article as referring personally to you in no case!

Quite the contrary, aware that the Russian girls believe first and foremost human, rather than official settings. Be a man, what you are and you will find your Russian love.

Here is a literal translation of one of these articles. I have not changed anything.

"Why it is dangerous to marry abroad?

Some women, frustrated in the local men, decide to try their luck abroad. It must be said that someone is able to build strong families in this way, but often we hear the opposite.

Getting acquaintance with a foreigner may cause many troubles. Before decide on such a step, a woman must be well thought of the consequences of her decision.

And the consequences could be as follows:

1. Socio dangerous husband. It is difficult to understand the man by means of the Internet or through a marriage agency. Also the language barrier prevents. Consider why the man can not find a wife in his motherland? Our girls compatriots often marry alcoholics, drug addicts, sadists, the men with unbalanced psyche, even having no idea on it. The truth is revealed only after the wedding, when the man removes the mask. He begins to drink, can beat up.
Against such a background a little better the husbands look who force their wives to work, but themselves are siting for hours at the TV or in the bars.

2. East mentality. If you decide to marry residents of the Muslim state, you have to be mentally ready to numerous prohibitions. Of course, in each country, their customs are, but in some countries, the female half of the population meet the many restrictions - in terms of dress and in terms of entertainment as well. Think about whether you are ready to have all days long in the four walls, to wear formless clothes, to respect all religious traditions?

And if the husband let loose with his fists, from who you are to wait for help? Do decide.

3. Scammers. Not only the inhabitants of the CIS countries can deceive their overseas bridegrooms. Now increasingly the «grooms» invent ingenious plans for fraud. You can ask: «What can he take from us?» It turns out there is a profit.

a) car, apartments, dacha, personal savings. Your spouse may play the role of a successful businessman who suddenly got into debts. Naturally, as his wife, you rush to sell the last things you have. When nothing more to take from you, he files for divorce.

b) credit. If you do not have any car or apartment it does not mean that you are safe. Your husband can easily take the credit and declare himself a bankrupt. In some countries, there operates legislation for which you will be obliged to repay the loan.

4. Criminal business. Typically in such cases things even do not go as far as wedding. To entice a potential victim to a meeting with «beloved» would suffice, what next - it's a technical matter:

a) slavery. Often under the guise of «groom» the man is looking for a potential victim he would be able to sell to a brothel.

b) bodies trade. Unfortunately, this also happens. And no comments.

In such situations, the best measures are preventive. If you find your destiny, take your time to go under the crown, check, and check everything thoroughly. Have your chosen to come to you several times, asking about his family life in great details, find a way to check his e-mail.

If you are going to his country, do not arrange the guest or a tourist visa, but a visa of the bride. So you bring the risk to a minimum: if this person had been invited women before you repeatedly, you'll be denied the visa of bride. You want to create a family once and for ever, so the haste in the matter to anything.

No need to upset over the read and lose the last hope for marital happiness. There are many examples of successful international marriages, full of love and mutual respect. I would just encourage our women to vigilance. As the saying goes, warned is armed. Keep yourself and be happy.

Anna Storchak"

Meet Your Russian Bride on GreenLea.Ru

1 comment:

Fred Arriaga said...

It only goes to show that foreign womewn are as worried about the uncertainty of looking for and marrying a foreign partner as men in the West are of the same.